The Foundation’s mission is empowerment through education with the objective of mainly sponsoring vulnerable women. Successful candidates should demonstrate a significant financial need coupled with an extensive educational and extracurricular background and a willingness to further their education in Canada, among other requirements. Aside from being in a situation of dire need, candidates have to present themselves with some sort of a plan regarding what program they are interested in studying, how it will complement their current accomplishments, why they should be selected, and how this process will benefit those within their immediate circle. One of the core objectives of the Foundation is reciprocating aid. We know that we cannot help everyone, so by helping one person, we hope to plant a seed through which others are supported, creating branches of “lifelines”. The sponsored individual will have all their expenses covered for the duration of their education in Canada, so it is imperative that the candidate selected is someone worth investing in. This is an immense endeavor that will rely on public donations from our community with a plan to seek government grants in the future.
100% of all the donations received will go towards the program. The majority of the work is relied on our volunteers, but the administration of the program will be supported by a sister company called Altoria Immigration & Business Consulting Inc. and from generous donors who earmark donations for the purpose of covering the admin costs where possible.